The Medical Image Registration ToolKit (MIRTK) is a research-focused image processing toolkit. It provides a collection of libraries and command-line tools to assist in processing and analyzing imaging data. The main application of the MIRTK is in adult and neonatal brain MR image registration, including rigid, affine, and non-rigid transformations, as well as the reconstruction of cortical surface meshes. The modular project organization of the MIRTK enables the installation of selected modules.

The MIRTK is the result of an extensive refactoring of the original IRTK software, with a new modular registration framework written by Andreas Schuh and the tools he developed for the processing of cortical surface meshes during his PhD studies. Users of IRTK are invited to test MIRTK out and adapt their workflow to use the new tools and libraries. Support can be requested by email to our mailing list or by live chat on our dedicated Gitter channel. Please try to keep GitHub issues strictly for bug reports and enhancement requests.

The online documentation provides all the information needed to get started with using and extending the MIRTK.

In the event you found the MIRTK useful, please consider giving appropriate credit to the software with a citation of the research article(s) describing the implemented algorithm(s). See the corresponding list of publications for suitable references.