We have 9 papers accepted at MICCAI 2015, including
- Flexible reconstruction and correction of unpredictable motion from stacks of 2D images: B. Kainz, A. Alansary, C. Malamateniou, K. Keraudren, M. Rutherford, J. V. Hajnal, D. Rueckert
- Multi-Level Parcellation of the Cerebral Cortex Using Resting-State fMRI: S. Arslan and D. Rueckert
- Automated Localization of Fetal Organs in MRI Using Random Forests with Steerable Features: K. Keraudren, B. Kainz, O. Oktay, V. Kyriakopoulou, M. Rutherford, J. V. Hajnal and D. Rueckert
- Prospective Identification of CRT Super Responders Using a Motion Atlas and Random Projection Ensemble Learning: D. Peressutti, W. Bai, T. Jackson, M. Sohal, A. Rinaldi, D. Rueckert and A. King
- Fast reconstruction of accelerated dynamic MRI using manifold kernel regression: K. Bhatia, J. Caballero, A. Price, Y. Sun, J. V. Hajnal and D. Rueckert
- Structured Decision Forests For Multi-modal Ultrasound Image Registration: O. Oktay, A. Schuh, M. Rajchl, K. Keraudren, A. Gomez, M. P. Heinrich, G. Penney and D. Rueckert
- A Continuous Flow-Maximisation Approach to Connectivity-driven Cortical Parcellation: S. Parisot, M. Rajchl, J. Passerat-Palmbach and D. Rueckert
- Identification of Cerebral Small Vessel Disease Using Multiple Instance Learning: L. Chen, T. Tong, C. P. Ho, R. Patel, D. Cohen, A. Dawson, O. Halse, O. Geraghty, P. Rinne, C. White, T. Nakornchai, P. Bentley and D. Rueckert
- Uncertainty-driven Forest Predictors for Vertebra Localization and Segmentation: D. Richmond, D. Kainmueller, B. Glocker, C. Rother, G. Myers