CfP: MICCAI’16 TBI Challenge mTOP


Mild Traumatic Brain Injury Outcome Prediction

What:  MRI Feature Extraction / Unsupervised Classification
When:  17 October 2016
Where: MICCAI 2016, Athens, Greece,

Traumatic brain injury (TBI) is a leading cause for death and long term disability across demographics. Predicting the outcome of patients suffering from TBI could bring many benefits for clinical decision making and development of new therapeutic concepts. However, the strong heterogeneity of the injury pattern and the complex change of pathology complicate the prognosis. This especially holds true for mild TBI (mTBI), where lesions are non-prevalent and conventional MRI often appears normal, but injury can cause post-concussional symptoms and neurocognitive dysfunction.

This challenge asks for methods that focus on finding differences between healthy subjects and TBI patients and sort the given data in distinct categories in an unsupervised manner.
Researchers are invited to submit novel or their existing methods. mTOP will be held in conjunction with the Brain Lesion Segmentation Workshop at the International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention (MICCAI) 2016

We are looking forward to welcome you as participant.
Stefan Winzeck, Marta Correia, Ben Glocker & Bjoern Menze